Theatrical Release Dates for Our Movies

Q: “How do I get my local movie theater to show a Troma movie?
A:    Getting our movies on to the screens across the nation will have to be a joint effort.  What we suggest you do is this; you and your friends start calling art house cinemas and ask if they could show a Troma movie.  Mention the website if they need more information about the movies. If they get enough calls they are going to realize that Troma movies are something people are willing to pay money to see.  Most importantly, do not tell them you are calling on behalf of Troma, because in reality, you’re not.  You are calling as fans who are genuinely interested in seeing this picture.  After all, that is the truth.  Drop the hint.  Plant the seed.  After you guys bombard them with a few calls, send us an e-mail and let us know how it went.  This method has worked before and when one thinks of it, the truest form of independent film is all about, people who love to make movies for people who love to watch movies with out having to bother with the big global conglomerates just to get it in a projector