• Color
  • 2006
  • 90 MIN
  • Dolby Digital Sound

Directed by Warren F. Disbrow
Starring Dominic Gregoria, Colin Reynolds, Guy Camilleri

Bill Gibron of DVDTalk proclaims, “Sometimes when genius arrives on your doorstep, it has to be acknowledged. Warren F. Disbrow, we salute you and your amazing movies!”
In this sadistically funny and erotically charged modern vampire tale, writer-director Warren F. Disbrow pits satanic vampires, a devil cult, and other supernaturals against each other in a wild race around the world to locate the Scarlet Moon, a massive red diamond that holds the key to ultimate power on earth!
Starring Michael Bruce of ALICE COOPER, Forrest J. Ackerman, Annie Donato, Dominic Gregoria, Guy Camilleri, Collin Reynolds, and Warren Disbrow, SR. as Professor Hertz.