• Color
  • 2004
  • 90 MIN
  • Dolby Digital Sound

Directed by Giuseppe Andrews
Starring Gayle Wells, Tommy Solomi, Walt Dongo, Tyree

With its oblique view of the American Dream and a demented approach that takes a standard straightforward storyline and scatters it like crematory ashes to the wind, Giuseppe Andrews’ Dad’s Chicken is social satire as insane stream of consciousness.  As a statement, it manages to touch on several solid topics – the role of parents in a child’s life, gun control, autism, sexual perversion and predators, fanaticism, disease, aging, death and religion – without ever overstating its obvious points.  This is a complex puzzle box of a film, a movie where scenes and situations happen almost at random.  It’s only later, when bits of dialogue fall into place and information is revealed that we understand the relationships involved, the problems at hand, and the potential resolutions in place.

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