• Color
  • 1997
  • 87 min
  • Dolby Digital Sound

Directed by Greg Griffin
Starring Justin Gorence, Lara Daans, Heather Lee McIntyre

Johnny Blake, (Justin Gorence of The Young and the Restless) is a man haunted by his past and dedicated to the destruction of the dark forces.  To do so, he has taken on the guise that is feared throughout the occult world: the righteous hero known as The Monk.  Three beautiful sisters, the spawn of a demon, seek to control Johnny’s mind, his body, his very soul.  Sister Avarice (Lara Daans, of the film Electra) is a corporate lawyer who uses her brains and her body to force Johnny into submission.  Sister Anger owns a martial arts school for women, with a hatred of men and special passion for the fairer sex.  Sister Lust is everything her name implies, running a high class bordello where a night of pleasure can lead to a lifetime of hell.  Only one man can save the world from these bewitching sirens.  Johnny Blake, the Monk.