Following his acclaimed short Confessions of Peltzer from the anthology film Self Induced Nightmares (2013), Liam Regan directs his first feature film My Bloody Banjo. Follow the story of Peltzer Arbuckle (James Hamer-Morton), a meek and bullied office employee, humiliated by his megalomaniac boss, teasing colleagues and his cheating partner. Once news about his embarrassing sexual accident makes its way around the workplace, Peltzer decides to put up with his humiliation no more, and conjures up his childhood imaginary friend Ronnie (Damian Morter). Peltzer’s world is soon turned upside down, when Ronnie attempts to manipulate him to exact revenge on his tormenting co-workers in the most gruesome fashion. As the body count stacks up, Peltzer must ultimately decide whether to run away from his past or take control of his future, as he battles between sanity and madness, in this twisted tale of infidelity, revenge and snapped banjo strings. Trailer here: My Bloody Banjo
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